Each Section has its own uniform. For the Squirrel's this is a red sweatshirt, Beavers this is a turquoise sweatshirt, for Cubs a green sweatshirt and Scouts a teal green shirt. All sections wear the Group scarf, which is Maroon, together with Black trousers and dark smart shoes. No jeans at any time. There are also T-shirts/ shorts/fleeces etc available but they are entirely optional.
The uniform may be purchased online from shop.scouts.org.uk
When a child joins a section we advise that the uniform is only purchased when they are ready to make their promise (usually after 3/4 weeks). When a child moves from one section to another they may wear their old uniform until they acquire the new uniform. The scarf should not be worn until the child has made their promise in each section.
One Group Scarf will be provided when a child first joins the Group along with Group, District and World Scout badges, nametape and woggle. The joining fee for all sections is £10 to help cover the costs for these items. The leader will take payment for this either direct to the section bank account or by card transaction. We do not accept cash for any transaction.
A replacement scarf costs £5 each. A woggle will cost £1
Badges earned during membership will be free, the cost included within the monthly subscription
To meet the costs of running the Scout Group a monthly subscription of £12 is payable by all members when they join the Group and monthly thereafter. Subs should be paid by Standing order to Sort code 204606, account number 83410536, account name Kidderminster St Johns Group 8th Scouts. For the reference please state your childs name. Subs are paid each month (no break for summer) and we ask that payments are made on the 1st of each month in advance
We use an online system, Online Scout Manager (OSM), for the management of our section’s administration (programme records, badge / award progress, member information). This is primarily used to directly capture and maintain all necessary personal information about our members and their parents/carers and remove the need for any paper forms. However, there are also a lot of other useful functions (such as managing events online, visibility of programmes, badge tracking etc) that we are looking to utilise where possible. A link can be found at the top of this website.
In the first instance we will send a link to new to parents/carers to then set up individual access. We then ask that any personal information we have is checked and updated as necessary, and consent section completed. On an ongoing basis we then ask that this is updated when any change occurs to ensure we have accurate information at all times.
We also have a form to capture information from new member’s and their parents, and identify where you will be able to help the Group,. The leader will provide this or a link
Please complete these forms and return to your Section Leader and notify us of any changes thereafter.